Groene Chemie, Nieuwe Economie
News Overview
GCNE helps the transition of the chemical industry to a Circular Economy
GCNE helps innovative business cases based on renewable raw materials and scales sustainable solutions. The GCNE Monitor 2024 report by TNO Vector outlines the challenges, opportunities, and contributions of GCNE.
Reflecting on the Networking Event Transition to Circularity
While dozens of companies are eager to start producing bioplastics with subsidies, plastic recycling companies in the Netherlands are at risk of collapsing en masse. To save this sector, a mandatory blending requirement for recycled materials and a bridging subsidy are urgently needed until this is established. More investors, raw materials, and customers are necessary to help start-ups navigate the notorious "valley of death," along with businesses that will actually purchase and use bioplastics. These topics were all addressed during the networking event Transition to Circularity.
Solutions Needed Now for the Recycling Sector
Read MoreThe recycling industry in the Netherlands is at a tipping point. Plastic recycling companies are on the verge of collapse because they cannot compete with the import of cheap new plastic from China and the U.S. Customers, it turns out, mainly focus on the price of their raw materials.
Effective Use of Policy Measures
Karlo Van Dam, director of sustainable industry at the Ministry of Climate and Green Growth, was almost attacked by entrepreneurs from the recycling industry after his speech. He had just explained how the government wants to support the green economy, partly to reduce CO2 emissions from industry by 66.5 percent in 2030 and to zero by 2050.
400 Million Tons of Carbon for Plastic
A key question regarding the use of plant-based raw materials for plastic is whether the Netherlands has enough land to grow the necessary crops such as elephant grass, sugar beets, or potatoes for green chemistry. Yes, asserts Sjoukje Heimovaara, chair of the executive board of Wageningen University & Research (WUR), emphatically.
Biobased Circular Takes Off
The BioBased Circular growth fund program, which focuses on producing plastic from plant-based raw materials such as forestry and agricultural by-products, as well as wastewater, is just getting started but is off to a promising beginning. The Biobased Circular program received 338 million euros from the Growth Fund, and participating companies and organizations have committed an additional 550 million euros in investments to launch this green chemistry initiative.
Green Chemistry Is at the Beginning
The transition to green chemistry is now entering a competitive phase with traditional chemistry, according to TNO. "However, we are only at the beginning of the transition. There are still significant steps to be taken," says Arnold Stokking, chairman of the Green Chemistry Platform for the New Economy.
Flanders as a Guiding Country: OVAM Sets the Stage for Uniform European Rules for Plastic Recycling
Read MoreIn the future circular economy, all waste is a resource. This sounds promising, but in practice, recycled plastic in the Netherlands is still too often labeled as waste, limiting its use in the plastics industry. This hampers the transition to green chemistry. What can the Netherlands learn from Flanders? In the third and final part of this series, OVAM shares its efforts to bring all EU countries onto the same page.
Flanders as a Guiding Country: Renewi sees Belgium daring to take the lead in plastic recycling
Read MoreIn the future circular economy, all waste is a resource. Inspiring words, but in practice, recycled plastic in the Netherlands is still too often classified as waste, limiting its use in the plastics industry. This hampers the transition to green chemistry. What can the Netherlands learn from Flanders? In part 2 of this series, Peter Vingerhoeds and Patrick Deprez from Renewi compare the situation here with that of our southern neighbors.
Flanders as a Guiding Country: A Single Portal for Plastic Recycling Doesn’t Always Make Things Easier
Read MoreIn the future circular economy, all waste is considered raw material. An admirable goal, but in practice, recycled plastic in the Netherlands is still often labeled as waste, preventing its use in the plastics industry and hindering the transition to green chemistry. What can the Netherlands learn from Flanders? In part one of this series, Caroline Van der Perre from RAFF Plastics explains how it works in the neighboring country.
New Program Manager GCNE
The Platform Green Chemistry New Economy (GCNE) proudly announces that Nicole van Klaveren has been appointed as the successor to Anita Lieverdink as programme manager of GCNE. Nicole will serve as a central figure, based at TNO, working with various theme leaders to further develop GCNE's agenda on well-known topics such as chain formation, policy, financing, impact, and monitoring. We wish Nicole much success and look forward to collaboratively shaping the Industrial Transition for both the climate (Green Chemistry) and the economy (New Economy).
Green Chemistry Accelerator Starts Again
After two successful rounds, in which ten entrepreneurs were supported in their plans to scale up, you can now apply for the new program.
Level Playing Field More Important Than Ever
Arnold Stokking indicates that a lot is happening around us: there are creaks and strains in the industrial transition, energy prices remain high, circularity and sustainability are under pressure due to cheap fossil resources, there is a strong call for stimulating and predictable policies, the unrest in the world is immense, and the effects of climate change are rapidly becoming evident. Contributing to a 'level playing field' is key.
Impact of Game Changers and Required Additional Support
The GCNE platform supports groundbreaking initiatives in green chemistry, enabling them to scale up to industrial volumes. Our support is focused on improving value chains, financing, policy, and community for green chemistry.
Do you work at a startup, scale-up, SME, or corporate that is involved in innovations related to biobased materials, recycling, CCU (carbon capture and utilization), and process electrification? If so, GCNE would like to hear your opinions by filling out a questionnaire (15 minutes).
Working Together for the Scaling Up of Green Chemistry
At the scaling table of GCNE, a startup/scale-up in green chemistry is discussing its scaling and financing strategy with a group of investors. In September, three companies presented pitches to this group.
15 Million Euros for Dutch Start-Up That Filters CO2 From the Air
The Dutch company Carbyon has secured an investment of over 15 million euros. The company is working on a relatively fast and cost-effective method to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. With the funding, Carbyon aims to prepare for the large-scale rollout of its technology.
This Start-Up Can Recycle Plastic from Electronics and Cars
Plastic from electronic devices, computers, cars, chip bags, and showerheads is currently being recycled into new, clean raw materials in a limited manner. Start-up Resolved Technologies has found a literal solution: dissolving it in a solvent. Next year, a pilot factory at the Chemelot chemical complex is expected to start recycling 25 kilograms of plastic per hour using this method.
Tour to Green Chemistry Hotspots in Groningen
During the tour of GCNE participants to Groningen and Chemport, several green chemistry hotspots were visited, including BioBTX, Avantium, and the Verborg group. Paques, Senbis, and H&P Moulding also presented their latest developments on stage at the Energy Barn on the Zernike Campus.
80 Million for BioBTX, Which Creates Chemical Building Blocks from Plastic Waste
The circular chemistry company BioBTX from Groningen has raised an investment of 80 million for the construction of its first large factory in Delfzijl. BioBTX converts plastic waste into so-called aromatics; chemical building blocks for everyday products such as PET bottles, batteries, and foam.
Continuation of the Approach to Ending Waste Status
End Waste is a complex topic that GCNE has been tackling for some time. Last year, we worked on a problem analysis, developed potential solutions, and produced an action plan. The creation of a uniform self-assessment format is a concrete follow-up step from this action plan, which we are undertaking in collaboration with InvestNL, Van Waarde, the Union of Water Authorities, and VNO-NCW.
Consultation on Amendments to the Environmental Management Act for a National Circular Plastic Standard
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is preparing an amendment to the Environmental Management Act. Starting in 2027, processors of polymers will be required to replace a minimum percentage of fossil raw materials with recycled or biobased polymers. Polymers are chemical building blocks used in the processing of semi-finished or finished products, such as plastics, rubber, paint, and adhesives.
House of Representatives on the Wrong Track with Motion to Discourage Import of Woody Biomass
On April 23, the House of Representatives, with 112 votes in favor (only VVD, CDA, and BBB opposed), called on the government through the Teunissen/Postma motion to strongly discourage the import of woody biomass. We consider this motion to be misguided, as it does not adequately address the necessity for high-quality utilization of bio-resources in order to reduce dependence on petroleum. Additionally, sustainable forestry practices are possible, as evidenced by industries such as the paper industry.Read More -
Participants Experience the Transitions at Port of Moerdijk
On March 27, the first working visit took place for the participants of GCNE and interested parties, this time at the Port of Moerdijk. A bus tour of the site focused on the pyrolysis oil upgrader for circular naphtha, featuring an inspiring presentation by Paul de Hoog from Shell.Read More -
Second Chamber Decision-Making Has No Impact on BioBased Circular Funding
You may have heard through the media that the House of Representatives has chosen to indefinitely postpone the fourth round of National Growth Fund allocations. This decision does not affect the funding of the BioBased Circular program, which has been applied for by the Foundation Platform Green Chemistry, New Economy.
It's Time to Think in Solutions
It is Circular Economy Week. A great opportunity for a dual interview with two individuals who are deeply engaged in circularity within the chemical sector. Arnold Stokking is the leader of the Green Chemistry New Economy (GCNE) platform. Anne-Marie Spierings, as program director of the Deltalinqs Climate Program, is responsible for driving circularity in the port and industrial complex of Rotterdam. Deltalinqs is also affiliated with GCNE.Read More -
First Call for BioBased Circular Projects
On March 19, Biobased Circular will open its first call for projects! This will take place within the framework of the MOOI scheme from RVO. Biobased Circular is an initiative by, among others, Green Chemistry and New Economy.
Chemical Industry Needs New Methods to Go Green
The Netherlands has an international reputation to uphold in chemical manufacturing. However, to remain at the forefront, it will need to become greener. Technically, this means adopting circular processes and bio-based materials. But how do we get there? "Collaboration" is at the heart of the eight approaches identified by TNO Vector as potential keys to success. "It’s not a recipe book yet, but rather a bucket list," says lead author Tamara Oukes.
Scaling Tables for Green Chemistry: Added Value for Entrepreneurs and Investors!
On January 24, GCNE organized four so-called Scaling Tables. During a Scaling Table, various financiers from the Financial Engine Block Green Chemistry, in this case, Rabobank, InvestNL, InnovationQuarter, NOM, Capricorn, LIOF, BOM, RVO, NLC, EIB, OostNL, and Polestar Capital, Business Angels Connect, brainstorm about the scaling process and financing strategy of green chemistry cases, specifically GrownBio, Pegasus Materials, Thoriant, and CashewShellBioRefinery.Read More -
Now Participate as a Company in the Transition to Green Chemistry
Would you like to join us as a company to contribute to green chemistry, where innovative technologies and business models with game changers have the opportunity to realize a new economy? Community manager Joop Groen explains the benefits of becoming a participant in our platform.
From Sowing to Harvesting
The platform Green Chemistry, New Economy (GCNE) is at the forefront of the transition in manufacturing chemistry. After its launch in 2022, we received approval for the Biobased Circular growth fund plan in 2023, along with funding for our program for the coming years from the participating provinces. We are moving forward with full force on the themes of financing, policy, and value chain formation with our participants, says Arnold Stokking, chairman of GCNE.
BioBased Circular Team Launches
With the appointment of the full team, the BioBased Circular Growth Fund Program 2024 has officially commenced. This year, the first call for projects will be announced. This marks the initial concrete steps towards large-scale circular production of, among other things, construction materials, packaging, and textiles that are appealing to everyone.
New Policy Needed for a New Economy
With the program, we are working towards a new economy, one that is sustainable using different raw materials and new business models. However, appropriate framework conditions are necessary for this sustainable economy. The focus in 2024 will be on Ending Waste Status and a Level Playing Field, according to program leader policy Björn Koopmans.
Tailored Financing for the Transition
For the transition of the chemical industry to producing products using non-fossil raw materials, tailored financing is essential. Program leader for Financing Angelique Erkenbosch explains the role of the Green Chemistry Accelerator and its financial engine.
Letter to the Informant: Circular Deal for the Chemical Industry
On December 21, 2023, a call was sent to the informant for a Circular Deal. The chemical industry, a key pillar of the Dutch (manufacturing) industry and economy, is ready for a transformation into a fully sustainable and circular industry. To ensure that the Dutch industry remains a leader and can continue to make a significant contribution to the earning capacity of the Netherlands in the future, we advocate for an ambitious and leading role for the new cabinet regarding the raw material transition.
Call to the New Cabinet: Unlock 1 Billion in Patient Risk Capital for Game Changers in Green Chemistry
On November 29 and 30, the event "Financing the Transition" took place in Geleen, organized by Chemelot Circular Hub and supported by Green Chemistry, New Economy. The importance of this conference cannot be underestimated in achieving the industrial transition towards sustainable green manufacturing chemistry in the Netherlands.
It's High Time for a "Circular Deal"
After the parliamentary elections, the Netherlands finds itself at a crossroads. The chemical industry, a cornerstone of our economy, is ready for a large-scale transformation towards a sustainable, circular economy. Now is the time for politics to take a leading role in this essential transition. It is time for a Circular Deal, argues Arnold Stokking.
Annual Event November 7, 2023: We Are Off to a Great Start
With half a billion in subsidies from the National Growth Fund and one and a half times that amount in private investments, the chemical industry in the Netherlands can begin building a green, circular chemistry sector. Dozens of new start-ups can be supported through this initiative, including the establishment of factories for biobased or circular plastics.
Broad Support in the House of Representatives for Greener Chemistry
Parties in the House of Representatives want to assist the chemical industry in the Netherlands in accelerating its transition to sustainability. They aim to make fossil raw materials more expensive, legally mandate greater use of recycled plastic, and amend restrictive regulations. Green frontrunners should receive more support. Key terms include subsidies, pricing through a resource levy, blending obligations for recycled and biobased plastics, and a minister for circular economy. This was revealed during an election debate involving VVD, GroenLinks-PvdA, BBB, D66, and CDA at the annual event of the Green Chemistry New Economy platform in the Railway Museum in Utrecht.
Gamechangers on Stage and in the Lead
Innovative startups often falter in the so-called "valley of death" before they can grow into established companies, primarily due to a lack of funding and experience. Together with Invest-NL and the Regional Development Agencies (ROMs), GCNE has launched the Green Chemistry Accelerator program to assist startups in scaling up to become fully-fledged businesses.
Bio-Based Circular Growth Fund Program Can Commence
The National Growth Fund officially approved the first phase of the BioBased Circular program for the period 2024 – 2026 on October 9. This marks the starting point for BioBased Circular to begin recruiting a program director and management team. Initial project proposals are also being prepared, and communication tools are taking shape.
Five New Gamechangers for the Green Chemistry Accelerator 2023: They Are Making the Chemical Industry…Green!
The Green Chemistry Accelerator is an acceleration program of Green Chemistry, New Economy (GCNE) that provides tailored support to startups in the green chemistry sector to expedite the financing of pilots and demo plants.
Driving the Raw Materials Transition with BioBased Circular
On June 30, the growth fund proposal BioBased Circular was approved conditional. Change Inc. reports: 'Within the next ten years, the role of oil companies such as Shell, Exxon, and BP in the chemical industry may be over. Plastic will no longer be made from oil, but from sugar beets, grains, corn, wood, and recycled plastic. Supplied by farmers, foresters, and recycling companies. The National Growth Fund allocates 338 million euros for this BioBased Circular project.
Call to the House of Representatives to Continue Circular Policy
Due to the recent collapse of the Rutte IV cabinet, there is a risk of uncertainty regarding the progress of the necessary industrial transition in the Netherlands towards circular products and materials. Meanwhile, significant investments are being made by both the government and businesses in this new circular economy. Therefore, the Platform Green Chemistry, New Economy is urging the House of Representatives to continue making progress with circular policies and to not declare the circular policy instruments controversial.
Call! To All Game Changers in Green Chemistry to Showcase Yourself
CALL TO ACTION! To all game changers in green chemistry. Sign up for the GCNE Gamechangers Landscape and fill out the questionnaire!
National Growth Fund Supports Development of Circular Production Chains
With the conditional approval of BioBased Circular by the National Growth Fund, the Netherlands is making a significant step towards the use of climate-neutral materials. Over the next eight years, new production chains will be developed for packaging, construction materials, textiles, and coatings, among others. The products will be able to compete with current alternatives, but with one major difference: they will replace fossil carbon compounds with plant-based ones. The result will be a natural materials cycle that is CO2 neutral, inexhaustible, and holds strong international economic potential.
The Green Chemistry Accelerator for 2023 Has Been Launched
The Green Chemistry Accelerator for 2023 has been launched. This initiative aims to help companies overcome their specific barriers to increase market adoption and attract the right investors. Following a successful first round, we will kick off a new program in the fall of 2023, for which you can now register until September 1.
VNCI Article: Growth Fund Proposal Biobased Circular: New Chemistry
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, together with the Platform for Green Chemistry, the New Economy, and TKI Agri & Food, has submitted the Growth Fund proposal BioBased Circular. With an efficient agrifood sector and a strong chemical sector, the Netherlands appears to be highly suitable for the transition from fossil-based to biobased materials.
Chemical Engineering Event by ARC CBBC at TU/e
ARC CBBC is organizing an event on October 3rd about the importance of chemical engineering and chemistry for sustainability transitions. How can we further bridge the gap between the chemical industry and the manufacturing sector? The event will not only focus on technological content but will also address the prerequisites for accelerating towards green chemistry and a circular economy.
Arnold Stokking, chairman of the Green Chemistry, New Economy platform, will deliver one of the keynote speeches.
First Circular Industry Day Brings the Circular Industry Together in North Sea Port
On May 16, the first Circular Industry Day took place in Vlissingen, organized by North Sea Port and Smart Delta Resources. For the first time, companies, governments, and knowledge institutions were brought together to collaboratively realize the circular economy in the region. The board of GCNE was also present, among other things, to strengthen the connections further.
Reflection on the 'No Time to Waste' Meeting
Utilizing new waste streams for recycling does not come without challenges. Entrepreneurs are confronted with unclear laws and regulations, finding it impossible to obtain prior certainty from the government regarding the legal viability of their plans. Green Chemistry, the New Economy, and Invest-NL have asked Ecomatters to map out how the main obstacles to recycling can be overcome. On April 17, the findings were presented to over 100 participants during the event No Time to Waste.
'Help Entrepreneurs With Regulations Regarding End-of-Waste Declarations'
Provide more support to entrepreneurs aiming to reduce the use of fossil resources through new waste streams. This is one of the key recommendations from the Whitepaper End of Waste, presented at the event No Time To Waste on April 17. The report, commissioned by Groene Chemie, Nieuwe Economie, and Invest-NL, outlines how the main obstacles to recycling can be overcome.
Growth Fund Application BioBased Circular in Focus
The BioBased Circular Growth Fund proposal paves the way for the Netherlands to switch to the use of climate-neutral materials. New production chains are being developed for plastics, synthetic materials, and building materials that are at least as competitive as the current ones, but with a significant difference: they replace fossil carbon compounds with plant-based alternatives. Read more and watch the animation on the special page about this proposal.
Dare to Be Circular in Bio-Based Circular
At the annual event of the Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (BISCI) on Thursday, March 2, titled Dare To Be Circular, the growth fund application for BioBased Circular received strong support.
These Green Startups Show the Way to Oil-Free Circular Chemistry
They produce paint, fuel pellets, phosphate for fertilizers, flame retardants, and bio- and biodegradable plastics. Not from oil, but from sewage sludge, wastewater, alcohol, bacteria, plants, and agricultural waste. To help them grow faster and navigate through the valley of death, five green startups underwent a hundred-day training program through the first Green Chemistry Accelerator. Watch the video and read the report on the Graduation Day of these five game changers.
National Growth Fund Proposal Biobased Circular Submitted
The Biobased Circular project was submitted on February 2 by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, the Green Chemistry platform, the New Economy, and the TKI Agri & Food in the third round of the National Growth Fund. The proposal is supported by more than 125 companies and organizations.
Torwash Produces Biofuels from Sewage Sludge and Other Wet Waste
There is no waste, only raw materials, asserts Torwash. The start-up utilizes patented TNO technology to convert sewage sludge, agricultural residues, vegetable waste, and mixed plastics in a high-pressure reactor into biofuels, biogas, and raw materials for new biodegradable plastics.
ETB Global Makes Lego Bricks, Latex Gloves, and Tires Green
Butadiene is an important raw material for plastic and rubber, for example, for Lego bricks and car tires. Currently, it is produced from petroleum, but the start-up ETB Global can also produce it from bioethanol: alcohol derived from plant waste.
Financial Masterclass by the Green Chemistry Accelerator Offers Eye-Openers for Securing the Right Funding
In mid-January 2023, the Finance masterclass of the Green Chemistry Accelerator took place. The Green Chemistry Accelerator is an acceleration program of the platform Green Chemistry, New Economy that provides startups in the green chemistry sector with tailored support to expedite the financing of pilot projects and demonstration plants.
Green Chemistry Startups Cannot Succeed Without Support from Regional Boosters
The Netherlands is bursting with startups that have revolutionary technologies to green the chemical industry. But how do you connect them with investors and financiers to help them grow and build pilot plants? How do you assist them in finding suppliers and customers? Within the Green Chemistry platform, the Regional Development Companies (ROMs) in the Netherlands take on this role as a catalyst.
Plasma Technology: New Opportunities for Scaling Up
“Within the electrification program line, established by Brightsite, a collaboration between Sitech Services BV, TNO, Maastricht University, and Brightlands Chemelot Campus, we are exploring the possibilities of using plasma technology in the chemical industry,” says Hans Linden, program manager at Brightsite. This technology is based on generating plasma using electrical energy, which can be applied to chemical processes instead of current methods reliant on natural gas combustion. For example, it can be used for the production of hydrogen, acetylene, and ethylene from methane, without producing CO2 in the process.