Level Playing Field More Important Than Ever


Arnold Stokking indicates that a lot is happening around us: there are creaks and strains in the industrial transition, energy prices remain high, circularity and sustainability are under pressure due to cheap fossil resources, there is a strong call for stimulating and predictable policies, the unrest in the world is immense, and the effects of climate change are rapidly becoming evident. Contributing to a 'level playing field' is key.

The level playing field is surrounded by dilemmas that we must address and solve together: cheap fossil resources and renewable resources; recyclates and bio-based materials; polyesters and olefins; drop-in solutions and new pathways; materials and fuels; agriculture for food and agriculture for materials; incineration and gasification—there are dilemmas galore! Everything must come together so that entrepreneurs have a fair playing field and opportunities for their innovative initiatives. With GCNE, we stimulate the innovation and entrepreneurial climate, ensuring favorable conditions for businesses pursuing green chemistry to scale up. The growth funds invest in innovative and distinctive solutions. The GCNE Platform is organized from various regions, giving a voice to entrepreneurs, facilitating dialogue with governments, and forming a strong network of stakeholders. The action agenda focusing on chain formation, policy, financing, and monitoring is fully underway. We are staying the course; our agenda is more relevant than ever. **Transition to Circularity** With the networking event on November 7, “Transition to Circularity,” we take the stage and seek dialogue with you and policymakers. We are proud to co-organize this event this year with the growth fund organizations Circular Plastics NL and BioBased Circular. Together, we have much to offer, including significant investments from the growth funds, our networks focused on policy and financing—all directed toward “Transition to Circularity,” aimed at scaling up and execution. Register for the event on November 7 [via this link](https://transition-to-circularity.b2match.io/).